teks recount beserta soal dan kunci jawaban (kls X semester 2)

Text 1

On Wednesday, my students and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is not far from Malioboro.
On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temple is being renovated.
On Friday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur. We arrived there at four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard the announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed.

1. The text above mainly discusses about……..
a. the writer’s trip to Yogyakarta
b. the writer’s first visit to Prambanan
c. the writer’s impression about the guide
d. the writer’s experience at Yogya Kraton
e. the writer’s impression about Borobudur

2. The text is written in the form of a/an………
a. recount
b. narrative
c. report
d. anecdote
e. spoof

3. The purpose of the text is to……….
a. tell past events
b. entertain readers
c. describe the smugglers
d. report an event to the police
e. inform readers about events of the day

4. What are the big temples in Prambanan?
a. angkor wat, syiwa, and sudra temples
b. paria, brahmana, and temples
c. brahmana, syiwa, and wisnu temples
d. wisnu, syiwa, and borobudur temples
e. borobudur, syiwa, and brahmana temples

5. When did they go home?
a. On Saturday morning
b. On Friday evening
c. On Thursday evening
d. On Friday afternoon
e. On Saturday evening

6. Why did they only visit Brahmana and Syiwa temples?
a. because there was no wisnu temple
b. because wisnu temple was amazing
c. because wisnu temple was too small
d. because wisnu temple was being repaired
e. because wisnu temple was being destroyed

Text 2
The police thought that two burglars started the robbery at 151 Pattimura street on Sunday afternoon. The burglars broke into the students’ room while they were going to a football game. They never thought that while they were away, burglars would break into their boarding house.

7. The communicative purpose of this text is………
a. to retell events for the purpose of informing
b. to present perspective points about an issue
c. to describe the way they are
d. to acknowledge readers about informative events
e. to share an amusing incident

8. The text is in form of a/an………
a. description
b. report
c. anecdote
d. recount
e. news item

9. Where did the robbery take place?
a. at 151 Pattimura street
b. at 151 Gajahmada street
c. at 161 Pattimura street
d. at 212 Sisingamangaraja street
e. at 161 Sisingamangaraja street

10. When did the robbery happen?
a. Sunday morning
b. Sunday afternoon
c. Saturday morning
d. Saturday afternoon
e. Monday evening

 Sunday The Terrible

  Last week was a terrible day for me. My cousin and I were playing football infront of the house to spend time with us .

   First, it was really fun until I kicked the ball too strong, so the ball leaded me to the window and broke the windo. When we want to escape, all of a sudden we all heard a loud voice. After that, the owner of the house came out of the fence, he yelled at us. We are very afraid of her, but we do not know what to do. Then, one of my cousins told us to run, we all ran, and suddenly we heard the sound of skin. Then we know that homeowners allow dogs to chase us. And we were struggling to run as fast as her as we can.

  But, I fell down so the dog managed to capture me and bit my leg. It really hurts me. Then the dog ran back into the house. My cousin took me to the doctor and told my parents . In the end, the doctor said that I was exposed to rabies. Then I was hospitalized for one week more.

  That's a terrible day of the week for me, may not happen to me again in his next week Sunday.

Essay :
1. What is the title of the story above ?
2. When was happening?
3. Why last week was a terrible day for the author?
4. Who is shouting?
5. What is said to be the cousin of the author?
6. Who is pursuing the author and his friends when run?
7. What happens when a dog chasing a homeowner?
8. Who brought author to the doctor?
9. What the doctor said at author?
10. How long author hospitalized?

b.    Kunci Jawaban

1.    A
2.    A
3.    A
4.    C
5.    B
6.    D
7.    A
8.    B
9.    D
10.  B

1. Sunday The Terrible
2. Last Week
3. For kicking the ball too strong, so that the ball is kicked into the window and broke the window.
4. The owner of the house
5. To run
6. dog pawnbroker
7. The dog caught, and biting the author.
8. Cousin
9. The doctors say that the author is exposed to rabies
10. Week


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