Materi Asking and giving opinion pertemuan 1 XI IPS 1

Materi Asking and giving opinion XI IPS 1

Upload Tanggal 2 September 2019
K.D    : 3.2 - 4.2
Pertemuan ke:1
Materi : Asking and giving opinion
Kls      : XI IPS 1

Asking and Giving Opinion
          What do you think about .............................?
          What’s your opinion  .............................?
          What would you say about .............................?
          What are your views on .............................?
          How do you feel about .............................?
          How do you see .............................?

Giving Opinion
Giving your opinion neutrally
          "I think…"
          "I feel that…"
          "In my opinion…"
          "As I see it…"
          "In my view…"
Giving a strong opinion
          "I'm absolutely convinced that…"
          "I'm sure that…"
          "I strongly believe that…"
          "I have no doubt that…"
I think we should get a new car.
I don't think we need one.
I believe (that) smoking should be outlawed.
I don't believe (that) it should be illegal.
In my opinion, Gone with the Wind is the best movie ever made.
I feel that it's the right thing to do.
I don't feel that it's such a good idea.

Example of The dialogue
Tania        : Have you ever watch Kungfu Panda movie.
Willy          : Yes, I watched the first and second series.
Tania         : Then, what do you think about it?
Willy          :  I think it’s a good movie. Not only humorous but also give a good lesson. How about you?
Tania         :  I feel that everybody should watch it.

Ask your friends’ opinion about :
          Global warming
          Public transportation
          Air pollution
          Your new hair cut
          Your new skirt/shoes/T-shirt


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