SOAL PTS SEMESTER 1 KELAS : XII IPA/IPS MATERI : - EXPRESSING OFFERING HELP - APPLICATION LETTER KD : 3.1/4.1 DAN 3.2/4.2 TUJUAN : DIHARABKAN SISWA MAMPU MENGERJAKAN SOAL PTS TERSEBUT DENGAN BAIK DAN BENAR SOAL MID-SEMESTER KELAS XII IPA/IPS The following dialogue is for number 1 to 3 Nephew : “Where are doing Uncle?” Uncle : “I’m waiting Taxi?” Nephew : “By the way, What can I do for you Uncle?” Uncle : “Please call the taxi” Nephew : “OK. I will call it for you? Bye the way, Where do you go Uncle?” Uncle : “I will go to office” (a few minutes the taxi came) Nephew : “Can I bring the bag?” Uncle : “Yes, please. Thanks advance” Nephew : “Don’t mention it. Take care Uncle” 1. The underlined sentence express…. a. Asking help b. Giving help c. Offering help d. Refusing an offer e. Accepting an offer 2. Why does ...
Alhamdulilah pembahasan soal yang diberikan bagus selalu agar mereka senantiasa memahami maupun melihat soal - soal yang berkaitan dengan UNBK atau USBN