-  APPLICATION LETTER

KD        : 3.1/4.1  DAN 3.2/4.2



The following dialogue is for number 1 to 3

Nephew : “Where are doing Uncle?”
Uncle : “I’m waiting Taxi?”
Nephew : “By the way, What can I do for you Uncle?”
Uncle : “Please call the taxi”
Nephew : “OK. I will call it for you? Bye the way, Where do you go Uncle?”
Uncle : “I will go to office”
(a few minutes the taxi came)
Nephew : “Can I bring the bag?”
Uncle : “Yes, please. Thanks advance”
Nephew : “Don’t mention it. Take care Uncle”

1. The underlined sentence express….
a. Asking help
b. Giving help
c. Offering help
d. Refusing an offer
e. Accepting an offer

2. Why does uncle wait a taxi?
a. He goes to office
b. He sees his in nephew
c. He needs it in hurry
d. He gets sick
e. He come back from office

3. Who call the taxi?
a. Nephen
b. Uncle
c. Both of them
d. None of them
e. No body

The following dialogue is for number 4 to 5

Mr. Bean : “Hello, Miss. Smith. Would you need my help? You are so busy.
Miss Smith : “Oh, yes please, that would be lovely.”
Mr. Bean : “How do you take it?”
Miss Smith : “I use shovel”
Mr. Bean : “Here you are.”
Miss Smith : “Thank you.”

4. The underlined expression expression….
a. Offering something
b. Offering help
c. Accepting an offer
d. Declining an offer
e. Refusing an offer


Dany : “Good morning Jane, do you want my help?”
Jane : “Oh, great!           “
Dany : “Thank you”
Jane : “You’re welcome.”

5. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is….
a. I’d love one
b. No thanks
c. Don’t bother
d. Never mind
e. Not for me

6. Romy : Sir, would you like me to close the window for you?
Mr. Arthur: Yes, please. It’s very cold inside.

The underlined sentence express:
A. Asking help
B. Offering help
C. Refusing something
D. Accepting an offer
E. Suggestion

7. Ela: Mom, do you need some help? You look so busy this morning.
Mom: Of course, dear.
I need another pair of hands to wash the dish.
The underlined sentence expresses ….
A. Accepting help
B. Offering help
C. Refusing help
D. Looking for something
E. Apologizing

8. Bob: Sony, will you join me to build a birdhouse?
Sony: Sure, _______. I am really excited.
Complete the dialogue above with right expression ….
A. I don’t want to.
B. I am busy today
C. I will
D. I will not
E. I have to go

9 John : Hello jean, Where have you been ?
Jean :  Hi, John, I just bought few  kilograms of apples in the market.
John : Do you need some help to carry the apples  ?


The suitable respon to complete the dialoge is….
A. I don’t know
B. why?
C. of course, that’s very kind of you
D. I will help you
E. good bye



10. Ronald: You look so busy._________

Mary: No, thank you. I can handlethem.


The suitable expression to complete the dialoge is…..

A.      I will leave you alone

B.      Would you like some help?

C.      Do you want to help me?

D.      Sure, I would like to

E.       Yes, please




The following Application Letter is for number 11-20

Mr. William Chan

Personenel Manager

Wong and Lim Consulting

PO Box 583, Kwai Chung



Dear Mr. Chan,

       I am writing to apply for the post of Management Trainee, which was advertised on the Student Affairs Office notice board of the Hongkong Polytechnic University on 1 March 2005.

My working experience at Lucky Star Garment Manufactory Limited improved my leadership skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team environment. I have fluent spoken and written English. I also have fluent spoken and written Mandarin, and can therefore work in mainland China.

Currently I am studying a B.A. in Management at the Hongkong Polytechnic University, graduating in 2005. Subjects which I am studying that are relevant to the post of Management Trainee include Operations Management, Human Resources Management, Accounting, Marketing and strategic Management.

During my studies I have had the post of Executive in management Society. While leading and organizing Management Society. While leading and organizing Management Society activities I have improved my ability to lead and supervise subordinates effectively, ability to work under pressure and ability to work in a team environment.

Working for Wong and Lim Consulting appeals to me because it has a good reputation and it provides excellent training. Your organization produces a high-quality service, and I can contribute to this with my leadership skills and my ability to work under pressure.

I am available for interview at any time. I look forward to meeting you.


Yours sincerely,

Wong Wai Man Wilfred

Excl : Resume



11.   What is the job title?

A.      Consultant

B.      Operation management

C.      Human resources management

D.      Accounting

E.       Management trainee


12.   What skills and personnel qualities are required?

A.       Leadership skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team environment

B.       Fluent spoken and written Mandarin

C.      Have known about environment

D.       Hard worker

E.        Willing to work overtime

13.   What is the name of the company or organization Wong Wai man Wilfred applying to?

A.      Lucky Star Garment Manufactory Limited

B.      Hong Kong Polytechnic University

C.      Marketing and Strategic Management

D.      Wong and Lim Consultant

E.       Executive in the Management Society


14.   Where does Mr. Chan live?

A.      In the city of China

B.      In the city of Hong Kong

C.      In the city of England

D.      In the city of Malaysia

E.       In the city of Singapore


15.   Who send the letter?

A.       Mr. Chan

B.       Mr. Wong

C.       Mrs. Lim

D.       Mr. Wong Wai Man Wilfred

E.        Mr. Kwai Chung


16.   What does Mr. Wilfred enclose the application letter?

A.           Address

B.           Job interview

C.           Resume

D.           Reputation

E.            Skills


17.   How does Mr. Wilfred know this ad?

A.      From Wong and Lim Consulting

B.      From Student Affairs Office notice board

C.      From Lucky Star Garment Manufactory

D.      From Hong Kong Polytechnic University

E.       From Management Society


18.   How many language does he master?

A.      1

B.      2

C.      3

D.      4

E.       5


19.   What subject of study have relevant to Management Trainee?, except …

A.      Operations Management

B.      Human Resources Management

C.      Accounting

D.      Marketing and Strategic Management

E.       Management Society


20.   What position does he hold when he takes his degree?

A.      Operations management

B.       Human resources Management

C.      Accounting

D.      Marketing and Strategic Management

E.     Management Society



The following Text is for number 21-23

Silkworms live for only two or three days after laying eggs. About 36,000 to 50,000 eggs are laid, and these are carefully stored at the silkworm farm until they are ready to hatch. The eggs hatch into caterpillars, which feed on mulberry leaves. Soon, the caterpillars are ready to spin their cocoons. Not all caterpillars can spin silk cocoons. Only the caterpillars of a silkworm moth known as ‘Bombyx mari’ can do such spinning. This caterpillar has special glands which secrete liquid silk through its lower lip. The liquid produced later hardens to form tine strands.
The caterpillar makes its cocoons using these strands. The threads on the outside of the cocoon are rough, while those inside are soft and smooth.
Some fully-spun cocoons are heated. This kills the pupa inside. The cocoons are then put into hot water to loosen the fine threads. Finally, these threads are reeled off the cocoons.
The length of unbroken thread produced by a single cocoon measures about one-and-a-half kilometers. Being twisted together several of these threads make single woven materials.

21. What is the purpose of the text ……..
A. To persuade readers to buy silk.
B. To put silk into different categories.
C. To entertain readers with the knowledge.
D. To present some points of view about silk.
E. To describe how silk comes into existence.

22. How are the threads on the outside of the cocoon ……..
A. Fine.
B. Soft.
C. Rough.
D. Strong.
E. Smooth.

23. What are mulberry leaves for ……..
A. Feeding caterpillars
B. Spinning cocoons.
C. Storing threads.
D. Hatching eggs.
E. Laying eggs.


The following Text is for number 24-25


A geyser is the result of underground water under the combined conditions of high temperatures and increased pressure beneath the surface of the earth. Since temperature rises approximately 1 F for every sixty feet under the earth’s surface, and pressure increases with depth, the water that seeps down in crack and fissures until it reaches very hot rock in the earth interior becomes heated to temperature in excess of 290 F. Because of the greater pressure, the water shoots out of the surface in the form of steam and hot water. The result is a geyser. In order to function, then a geyser must have a source of heat, reservoir where water can be stored until the temperature rises to an unstable point, an opening through which the hot water and steam can escape, and underground channels for resupplying water after an eruption.
Favorable conditions for geyser exist in some regions of the world including New Zealand, Iceland, and the Yellowstone National Park area of the United States. The most famous geyser in the world is Old Faithfull in Yellow Park. Old Faithfull erupts almost every hour, rising to a height of 125 to 170 feet and expelling more than ten thousand gallons during each eruption.

24. How geyser is produced?
A. By the rise of temperature pressure functioning hot steam.
B. From a huge tension of heated water that coming out from the earth crack.
C. From the heated temperature in earth crack that absorbing water.
D. From the temperature and absorbed water that occurs on earth surface.
E. By the hot water and temperature of hot rock that occurs on earth surface

25. Steam and hot water shoot out of the surface because of ….
A. hot rock and water
B. temperature and pressure
C. greater pressure
D. high temperature and increased pressure
E. underground temperature and increased pressure


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