MATA PELAJARAN            : BAHASA INGGRIS WAJIB                              HARI/TANGGAL                       :

KELAS/SEMESTER            : XII /GANJIL                                                        PUKUL                                  :

PROGRAM STUDI              : IPA/IPS                                                                WAKTU                                 :


Petunjuk :   1. Bacalah semua soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda menjawab

                     2. Kerjakan semua soal pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan dengan menghitamkan jawaban yang

benar ( huruf A,B,C,D atau E)




Choose the best answer of the following questions.


The following dialogue is for numbers 1 to 4



: Excuse me, Sir. May I have your time, please?

Mr. Alvian

: Yes, please.


: We would like to offer our product.

Mr. Alvian

: What’s that?


: We are the provider of home Internet connection.


: Are you interested in subscribing it?

Mr. Alvian

: Hmmm…how much should I spend monthly?


: For the first installation and monthly subscription, read this brochure.

Mr. Alvian

: Do you offer special prices?


: If you subscribe in groups, in this case your neighbors,


  you will share the cost. Of course, it will be cheaper.

Mr. Alvian

: Okay, I will discuss it with my neighbors.


: Here is my number, Sir. Feel free to contact me.

Mr. Alvian

: All right.



1.       Who do you think Soraya is?

A.       A supplier

B.       A technician

C.      A Salesperson

D.      An entrepreneur

E.       A shop assistant


2.       What does Soraya propose to Mr. Alvian?

A.       to share the cost with his family

B.       to contact her for more information

C.      to read the brochure about her product

D.      to meet her manager to get a special price

E.       to use her home internet connection provider.



3.       What should Mr. Alvian do to get a lower cost?

A.       Promote the products

B.       Subscribe for one year

C.      Find others to subscribe

D.      Become the loyal customer

E.       Become the member of the provider


4.       Soraya says, “…you will share the cost.

Thesimilar meaning of the underlined word is …

A.       save

B.       divide

C.      multiply

D.      increase

E.       decrease


The dialoguefor number 5 to 8



: Good morning, Ma’am. What can I do for you?

Mrs. Riko

: Good morning, I’d like to see doctor Indira. My son is sick.


: Yes, Ma’am. I will write the patient’s identity first.

Mrs. Riko

: Alright.


: Have your son met doctor Indira before?

Mrs. Riko

: Not yet.


: Ok, I’ll make him a medical card. Please bring the card everytime your son comes here.

Mrs. Riko

: Sure, thanks.


: How old is your son?

Mrs. Riko

: Six years old.


: What’s your son’s problem?

Mrs. Riko

: He has had high fever for about three days. I have given him pain killers,


: but it did nothing.


: Does he have cough or flu?

Mrs. Riko

: Yes, but what I’m mostly worried is about his high temperature.


: I’m afraid if he suffers from typhoid or dengue fever.


: O.K. I’ve written everything about your son. I hope everything will be fine.


: These are the medical card and queue number. Doctor Indira is examining a patient.


: I will call you when it’s your turn.

Mrs. Riko

: Thanks.


: You’re welcome.


5.       Who is Indira?

A.       A dentist

B.       A surgeon

C.      A veterinarian

D.      A pediatrician

E.       An ophthalmologist


6.       What does probably Mrs. Riko feel at the moment?

A.       upset

B.       anxious

C.      envious

D.      curious

E.       disappointed



7.       From the dialog we know that…

A.       Doctor Indira has many patients.

B.       Doctor Riko is on the way to the clinic.

C.      It is Mrs. Riko second visit to the clinic.

D.      Mrs. Riko forgets to bring her son’s medical card.

E.       Mrs. Riko’s son has had high temperature for four days.


8.       What’s Mrs. Riko going to do then?

A.       Meet doctor Indira.

B.       Wait for her turn to see the doctor.

C.      Go to pharmacy to buy medicines

D.      Have a medical check-up for his son

E.       Go to a laboratory to have a blood checking

F.       disappointed

The dialogue for number 9 to 11



: Good afternoon, Ma’am, May I help you?


: Good afternoon, I’d like to return this dress, please.


: Excuse me, Ma’am. May I know when you bought it?


: Yesterday afternoon, I bought it for my niece, but it is too small. She needs a bigger one.


: Can I see the receipt, Ma’am.


: Here it is.


: O.K. Ma’am. We only receive the return for twenty-four hours from the purchase,


: but you can’t take the money back. You should take it in products.


: I see. I want to replace it with the similar model, but in a bigger size.


: Excuse me Ma’am. The bigger one with similar model has sold out.


: Will you choose another dress?


: O.K.


9.       Where does the dialog take place?

A.       In a drugstore

B.       In a sport store

C.      In a bookstore

D.      In a shoe store

E.       In a fashion store


10.    Why can’t the dress be returned and replaced with another one?

A.       It was bought in cash.

B.       It was an expensive shirt.

C.      It was ready in many sizes.

D.      It was bought less than 24 hours.

E.       It was the shop assistant’s mistake.


11.    What can we learn from the dialog?

A.       We should take our problems easy.

B.       We should insist our desire when shopping.

C.      We should do shopping in our favorite place.

D.      We should bring our shopping list before buying something.

E.       We should be grateful to the shop assistant who is offering help.

The dialoguefor number 12 to 14



: You look very tired, Mom. You must have worked hard at home all day long.


: Yes. Our maid returns home as her mother is sick.


: How long will she stay there?


: She told me that she will be staying there for at least three days.


: I see. What can I do for you, Mom?


: Please wash the dishes, dear. I am going to iron these clothes.


: Okay, Mom. Anyway, why don’t you go to the laundry for ironing?


: No, I will do it myself. Occasionally we need to do housework by ourselves.


: You’re right, Mom.


12.    Why does Ivan’s housemaid off?

A.       She is ill.

B.       Her mom is ill.

C.      Her child is ill.

D.      She misses her family.

E.       She needs to have a rest.


13.    What will Ivan do?

A.       Iron the clothes.

B.       Wash the shirts.

C.      Go to the laundry.

D.      Wash the dishes.

E.       Call the housemaid.


14.    What does Mrs. Ella want to teach his son about?

A.       Honesty.

B.       Politeness.

C.      Carefulness.

D.      Friendliness

E.       Independence.

The following text is for numbers 15 to 19


To        :

Subject : Pharmacist


Dear Sir/ Madam


I am writing in response to an announcement recently posted on Dian Sehat Hospital’s website about employment opportunities for new pharmacy graduates. As you can see on my resume, I graduated from STIKES Sanus majoring in Pharmacy in January 2020.


During my internship, I had the opportunities to work in several setting, including decoding doctor’s prescriptions and dispense the medicines for customers. My experiences enable me to develop strong skills that prepare me well for the challenges. In addition to my pharmacist skills, I have developed my leadership skills through campus involvement. As the president of the National Student Pharmacists’ Association, I held several community service activities, including a forum discussion about medicines. Our organization also created the program that provides first aid training to people in the area.


I am very interested in commencing my pharmacist career at Dian Sehat Hospital and believe that my skills and experience prepare me very well. I can be reached by phone and e-mail.


Thank you for your consideration


Yours faithfully


Intan Permata


Intan Permata

PerumAnginSejuk Blok G No.2




15.    Why did Intan write the letter?

A.       To apply for a job.

B.       To propose for internship.

C.      To share her knowledge about pharmacy.

D.      To inform of a job vacancy at a hospital.

E.       To invite an institution to attend a charity program.


16.    How did Intan know about the job vacancy?

A.       from her friend

B.       from the internet

C.      from the website

D.      from her college

E.       from the news paper


17.    How did Intan gain her pharmacy experience at hospital?

A.       by following discussion forum.

B.       by working for Dian Sehat Hospital.

C.      by attending internship at the hospital.

D.      by holding community service activities.

E.       by joining the National Student Pharmacists’ Association.


18.    Why does Intan meet the requirements?

A.       She is excellent at leadership.

B.       She is active at community service activities.

C.      She became the president of a student’s association,

D.      Her educational background matches the vacant job.

E.       She has created a program that provides first aid training.


19.    What does Intan hope for?

A.       She will get appropriate job in 2021.

B.       She can send her application letter.

C.      She can work for Dian Sehat Hospital.

D.      The employer accepts her as an internship student.

E.       The employer opens a new job vacancy for pharmacy graduates.


The following letter is for numbers 20 to 23

Dini Alia

Jl. Setia Budi No.22 H


Personnel Manager


Jl. Gatot Subroto No.70


Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to express my interest for the position of Recruitment Assistant in your company.


Having recently obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration major in Human Resources Development Management (BSBA-HRDM), I wish to bring my knowledge, skills, and commitment to excellence to your company’s innovative environment.

As a Business Administration student majoring in HR management, I’ve become equipped with necessary knowledge that come with the position including manpower recruitment, workforce organization, personnel training, and compensation as well as legal provisions and other labor concerns.

My internship at Triando Corporation also afforded me with the crucial skills to work with some of the best professionals in the recruitment and human resources industry. Being a trainee has developed in my enthusiasm and a true passion for human resources and has subsequently convinced me that human resource management is my true calling.

For additional details regarding my qualification and expertise, please review my attached resume. Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look forward to hearing from you.




Dini Alia


20.    Why does Dini feel confident to apply for the position?

A.       She has a great job and internship experiences.

B.       She used to work for human resource management division.

C.      She has enthusiasm and a true passion for human resources.

D.      She just obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration.

E.       She has necessary knowledge and experience that meet the requirements.


21.    What are Dini’s strength characters that can be her key to obtain the position?

A.       She is a fresh graduate and independent.

B.       She has enthusiasms and true passion.

C.      She is a business administration student.

D.      She graduated from reputable university.

E.       She has internship experience at a company.


22.    “Being a trainee has developed in enthusiasm and a true passion for human resources…” (Paragraph 4 )

The underlined word has a similar meaning to…

A.       integrity

B.       happiness

C.      seriousness

D.      eagerness

E.       perseverance


The following letter is for numbers 23 to 26

Muhammad Tommy Midoza

JlPermadani No 9

Tanjung Bahagia

Bandar Lampung


August 5th, 2020


Mr. RomiIrwan

Personnel Manager

Cemerlang Jaya

Jl. Rindang Indah No.132



Dear Sir,


I wish to apply for the position of Electrical Engineer as advertised on your company’s website. As requested, I enclose my resume and other documents in my attachments.


I graduated from Electrical Engineering of National University in 2016. I have an experience in handling projects with tight schedules, under pressure, and team work. I am proficient in computer and have excellent English, both written and spoken. I would be able to impart my skills and gain additional knowledge for professional growth with your company.


I would appreciate an opportunity to have an interview. I can be reached to have an interview at 093652606560. Thank you.


Yours faithfully,

Muhammad Tommy Midoza

23.    What’s the letter about?

A.       Offering a job.

B.       Applying for a job.

C.      Explaining one’s skills.

D.      Stating one’s career objective.

E.       Information about one’s education.


24.    Paragraph 3 is about…

A.       The applicant’s skills.

B.       The offered job vacancy.

C.      The enclosed documents.

D.      The applicant’s educational background.

E.       The applicant’s wish to have an interview.


25.    From the letter we can conclude that…

A.       The interview invitation can be sent via e-mail.

B.       The job vacancy is advertised in a news paper.

C.      The applicant can work well individually.

D.      The applicant is good at computer.

E.       The applicant is fresh graduate.


26.    “I would be able to impart my skills…” (paragraph 2)

What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?

A.       invoke

B.       acquire

C.      exhaust

D.      present

E.       reach


The following text is for numbers 27 to 31

Job Vacancy


People who are looking for a job can find information about the job vacancies in the mass media. A company usually places an advertisement in news paper or magazines when they need people to fill vacant positions. These advertisements give job-seekers all information about the job vacancies.

In addition to the advertisements, there are some other institution both government and non-government that do the same thing. These institutions are known as job centers or employment agencies. Their purpose is to make people know about the vacancies.

A job center is an official institution. It provides information and also accepts registration of applicants who need jobs. First each will be given a registration card telling everything about the holder. By having this, the holder is stated on the list of the Department of Manpower as a job seeker. Second, if there’s a vacancy, he or she will be informed through the department and invited to apply for the job.

Really, getting a job is not an easy matter. Applicants should prepare themselves better by having good skills and abilities, good educational background, and determination to succeed.

27.    You will be accepted as an employee of a company if you fulfill the…

A.       educational background

B.       specific requirements

C.      working experience

D.      skills and abilities

E.       registration card


28.    Paragraph 3  tells us about…

A.       Registration card

B.       Government institution

C.      Recruitment of applicant

D.      Department of Manpower

E.       Activities in Job Center


29.    “…a good educational background and determination to succeed”. (Paragraph 4). The underlined word is similar to…

A.       decision

B.       desire

C.      feeling

D.      belief

E.       hope


30.    Which of the following statement is not true according to the text?

A.       The applicants get information about job vacancies from the advertisement.

B.       The purpose of the vacancy is to make people know about vacant job.

C.      Without having good skills, job seekers can get good salary.

D.      An applicant should have good educational background.

E.       An employment agency can be non government.





31.    Their purpose is to make people know about job vacancies. (Paragraph 2) The underlined word means…

A.       job promotion

B.       unoccupied room

C.      untenanted offices

D.      everything about job

E.       unoccupied position


The following text is  for numbers 32 to 34

August 20th, 2019



Human Resources Director

PT Ray Propertindo

1000 Industrial Road

Central Jakarta, GB 10110


Dear Sir/Madam


I would like to apply for Head of Marketing Communication in PT Ray Propertindo which has been advertised in on August 18th, 2019.


The position is really appealing to me, and I believe that my working experience for 2 years at marketingcommunication make me conversant with it.  With my bachelor degree in Communication and Public Relation’s Profession Certificate make me a highly competitive candidate for the position. 


To further support your best requirements, I would bring an enthusiastic and energetic approach to this position. I am capable in working independently and  I also have ability to work collaboratively.  By having good communication skills in three foreign languages, I believed that I  can inspire others in service


My resume is enclosed for your consideration. I know that I would be an asset to your company and I would really appreciate the opportunity to discuss how my education, experience, and creativity could contribute to PT Ray Propertindo. I can be reached anytime via email at or by cell phone, 0882-7401-8147.


Thank you for your time and consideration.





32.    One of the applicant’s capabilities  due her language skills andthe position offered is....

A.       having Public Relation’s Profession Certificate.

B.       working collaboratively in group project.

C.      working independently unsupervised.

D.      mastering foreign languages fluently.

E.       inspiring others in giving service.


33.    Which description is inappropriate withthe second paragraph’s purpose...

A.     The applicant is really need a jobafter graduating from university.

B.     The applicant is engaging  in marketing communication position offered.

C.    The applicant is fascinating in the position offered and she is suitable with it.

D.    The applicant is interested in the job position and it  matches  her capability.

E.     The applicant is believed that her experiencematches with the position offered.


34.    From the application letter we can conclude that the applicant is....

A.       dinamic  and communicative.

B.       easy going and dependent

C.      dependent and humble.

D.      humble and introvert.

E.       individual and serious.



The  Caption text is for number 35




35.    What does the caption imply?

A.       Animals are created by God that make the earth more beautiful.

B.       We have to make the environment beautiful and healthy.

C.      We are responsible to keep the earth for all creatures.

D.      We have to keep the forest for our own advantages.

E.       Animals should be protected by the government.


The caption text is for number 36


36.    What is the function of the above caption?

A.       Informing about the importance of UV light for insects.

B.       Reminding us about the importance of UV light for life.

C.      Inviting people to be grateful to God for the UV light.

D.      Persuading people to keep the environment.

E.       Informing us about insect life cycles.


The caption text is for number 37


The police is helping the old woman cross the street.


37.    The caption text above teaches us about...

A.    responsibility and solicitude

B.    Honesty and responsibility

C.    Responsibility and honesty

D.    Dicipline and reponsibilty

E.    Kindness and honesty


The following text is for numbers 38 to 41

(Jakarta Post, Jakarta)


The Indonesia government and world wild fund (WWF) have announced a bold commitment to protect the remaining forest and critical ecosystem of Sumatra. 


WWF said the historic agreement represented the first-ever island- wide commitment to protect Sumatra’s stunning biodiversity.


The commitment was announced Thursday at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), world Conversation Congress in Barcelona and was endorsed by the governors of Sumatra’s 10 provinces- the world’s sixth-largest island- and also by four ministers. 


Sumatra is the only place in the world where tigers, elephants, orangutans and rhinos co-exist. 


The agreement commits all the governors in Sumatra, along with the Indonesia ministries of forestry, environment, home affairs and public works, to restore critical ecosystems in Sumatra and protect areas whit high conservation values. 


WWF, Conservation International, Fauna and Flora International, Wildlife Conservation Society and other conservation groups working in Sumatra have agreed to help implement the political commitment to protect what remains of the island is species-rich forests and critical areas. The island has lost 48 percent of its natural forest cover since 1985. 


More than 13 percent of Sumatra’s remaining forests are peat forests, which sit a top the deepest peat soil in the world; clearing peat forests is a major source of carbon emissions that cause climate change


38.    The following party is not  involved in the commitment to protect Sumatra’s biodiversity.

A.    The minister of forestry

B.    The Agricultural community

C.    The minister of public works

D.    The 10 governors of Sumatra

E.    The World Wildlife Fund (WWF)


39.    The agreement is about to

A.     implement the decisions of the World Conservation Congress.

B.     support the governors of Sumatra to chase animals hunters.

C.     stop the emissions of carbon that cause climate change.

D.    cooperate together for the development of Sumatra.

E.    protect the forests and ecosystems in Sumatra.



40.    The commitment to protect the remaining forest and critical ecosystem of Sumatra was held in...

A.       Spain

B.       Jakarta

C.       Indonesia

D.       Barcelona

E.       Sumatra island


41.    How is the impact of clearing the marshland?

A.       It creates critical inhabitans

B.       It will decrease the pollution

C.       It can reduce the air pollution

D.       It increases carbon emissions

E.       It causes ecosystem sustainably


The following text is for numbers 42 to 44


Sawahlunto considered for inclusion on UNESCO World Heritage List


News Desk

The Jakarta Post

Jakarta  /  Thu, June 27, 2019  /  03:37 pm

The Blue Lake in Sawahlunto, West Sumatra. (Shutterstock/whywijayanto47)


Sawahlunto in West Sumatra is among the 44 destinations around the globe that have been nominated for inclusion on UNESCO's World Heritage List this year.


Described by UNESCO on its tentative list as "the oldest coal mining town in Southeast Asia", Sawahlunto was first proposed as a world heritage site four years ago, according to West Sumatra Tourism, Youth and Sports Agency head Efriyanto. 


"The process started a long time ago, but it's still considered quite fast since it's for UNESCO. We started [the process] around three to four years ago," Efriyanto told KompasTravel on Wednesday, adding that it was the provincial administration's first attempt at proposing a world heritage site. 

Sawahlunto's highlights include the preserved cultural heritage items, said Efriyanto, although the agency has also prepared other attractions to further boost the city's tourism potential.


"As a tourism city, of course the 3As, namely accessibility, amenities and attractions. In terms of access, we cooperate with the provincial administration to improve access to Sawahlunto and its tourism sites. We will also repair various public facilities to support tourism amenities and increase the number of tourist attractions." (nic/kes)

42.    What’s the text about?

A.    Reporting Sawahlunto as a tourism city in West Sumatra.

B.    Reporting Sawahlunto in West Sumatra is among the 44 tourism destinations.

C.    Reporting Sawahlunto as one of the listed of UNESCO's World Heritage this year.

D.    Reporting Sawahlunto as one of the listed of UNESCO's World Heritage in 2019.

E.    Reporting  the provincial administration's first attempt at proposing a world heritage site.


43.    What has the consideration that Sawahlunto been nominated for inclusion on UNESCO's World Heritage?

A.    It’s the most frequent cultural heritage visited by tourists.

B.    It’s the number one tourist attraction in West Sumatra.

C.    It’s the oldest coal mining town in Southeast Asia.

D.    It’s the oldest cultural heritage in Indonesia.

E.    It’s famous tourism sites in Sumatra island.


44.    Sawahlunto's highlights include the preserved cultural heritage items.The underlined sentence of the 4th paragraph intended to...

A.    retell about the past history of Sawahlunto as main coal mining in Indonesia.

B.    declare Sawahlunto as a cultural heritage that should be special treated.

C.    state that Sawahlunto has becoming cultural heritage from ancestors.

D.    inform the important of Sawahlunto as a regency in West Sumatra.

E.    inform Sawahlunto as one of the unique tourism destination.



The caption text is for number 45


45.    The aim of the above caption text is to remind the students to..

A.    study hard all the time.

B.    keep in balance in life

C.    manage their time efficiently.

D.    Spend their time to enjoy their life.

E.    keep studying to reach their dreams.





The caption text is for number 46


46.    What can we infer from the above caption text?

A.    Dustbins must be available anywhere.

B.    People must be aware of their environment.

C.    Littering makes the environment unhealthy.

D.    People keep littering although there’s a dustbin.

E.    The dustbin is so important to keep the environment clean.


The caption text is for number 47


47.    The purpose of above caption is to remind us…

A.    to share happiness to others in this pandemic situation

B.    to be grateful and aware of the pandemic situation

C.    to love ourselves more than before the pandemic

D.    to spend more time to take care of ourselves

E.    to spend our time to read valuable books


Caption text for number 48


48.    Due to nowadays situation based the caption text abovewe should…

A.    drive a car carefully.

B.    follow the traffic rules.

C.    obey health protocols.

D.    do activities at home.

E.    stop the pandemic.














Caption text for number 49

Indonesia should be proud


49.    What can you infer from this picture?

A.    They Just celebrated an occasionalcompetition

B.    They are winning medal from sport competition.

C.    They are not winning medal from sport event

D.    They just graduate from university.

E.    They are professional athletes


Caption text for number 50

50.    The caption text above shows...

A.    the importance of hope.

B.    the importance of peace.

C.    the importance of  education.

D.    the importance hope and peace.

E.    the importance of self confidence.





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Pembahasan Soal Kelas XII IPA dan XII IPS

Pembahasan Soal Kelas XII IPA dan IPS