Mata pelajaran    : Bahasa Inggris
 Kelas/Semt          : XI/ 1
 Materi                 : Suggestion and Offer

Pertemuan 1 ( 15 juli 2019 )

Words that usually used to show the expression:
Expressions Suggestion
Why don’t we.....
We could.....
What about.....
How about.....
I suggest that.....
I think.....
I don’t think.....
Yes, let’s go.
Ok, I will
It is good idea
Ok, if you say so.
No, thank you.
Words that usually used to show the expression:
May I.....
Can I.....
Shall I.....
Would You.....
How about I.....
Yes, please.
Thank you, it is very kind of you.
Thank you, I appreciate your help.
It’s Okay, I can do it myself.
No, thank  you
No, Thanks. I don’t want another helping.
Don’t worry, I will do it myself.
That’s alright, I will manage on my own.

Dialogue about Suggestion & Offer
Putra    : Good morning, brother?
Sauki   : Morning, what’s up bro?
Putra    : Fine, how about you ?
Sauki   : Ok, fine to thank you.
Putra    : What are you doing?
Sauki   : I was clean the blackboard.
Putra    : Can I clean the blackboard for you?
Sauki   : Thank you, I appreciate your help
Putra    : Yes, it a pleasure.
Sauki   : How about going to the canteen after clean the blackboard?
Putra    :Ok, it is a good idea. see you then
Sauki   : see you then.                                                            

Pertemuan 2 ( 22 juli 2019 )

Materi Pelajaran 2
Asking and Giving Suggestion
        Asking and Giving Suggestion divided into 2 (two):

    a. Asking Suggestion
            What should I do?
Do you have any ideas?
Do you have any suggestion for me?
Can you tell me what should i do?

    b. Giving Suggestion
I think you should...
You should...
I suggest you to...
In my opinion...
I recommend you to...

These answer are:
            I agree with you.
I think you’re right.
Good suggestion.
That’s a good idea.
That’s not a good idea.
No, i don’t think so.
I understand your suggestion, but....

Example in a dialogue :

Dialogue 1
In the morning, Arya wants to buy a motorcycle. Then,  Arya approaches Pande to listen a suggestion from her.

Arya              :  Hi Pande,
Pande            :  Hi Arya,
Arya              :  Pande, i want to buy a motorcycle tommorow. Should i buy ninja motor or Satria motor?
Pande            :  I think you should buy ninja motor.
Arya              :  why is that?
Pande            :  because i want to borrow it.
Arya              :  it’s a good idea. But my money is not enough. Do you have any recommendation?
Pande            : why don’t you buy a bicycle?
Arya             : it’s very good idea. Can you accompany me to buy it?
Pande           : sure i can, lets go.

Pertemuan 3 dan 4 ( 28 juli dan 5 agustus 2019)
Exercise Penilaian 1
Identifiying statements

1.      How do i look? I am happy for you, but i think you should keep your outfit simple....
2.      If i were you i would tak eoff the hat too...
3.      It might be a good idea to...

Nilai;   Menjawab 3 ungkapan skor 100
Menjawab 2 ungkapan skor 80
Menjawab 1 ungkapan skor 70
Skor  maksimal = 100

Exercise Penilaian 2 Essay
Contoh soal:
Mention five statements related to Asking and Giving Suggestion!


1.      I think you should...
2.      I recommend you to...
3.      Probably you need to...
4.      Should i buy
5.      That’s a good idea
Nilai; skor maksimal = 100
-          Jika menjawab 5 skor = 100
-          Jika menjawab 4 skor = 80
-          Jika menjawab 3 skor = 60
-          Jika menjawab 2 skor = 40
-          Jika menjawab 1 skor = 10

Exercise Penilaian 3 Arranging
Arrange this dialogue into a good sequence!
A: Hei Mery, do you have a free this evening?
A: Actually i want to invite you to go to the mall.
A: I think so. Do you have any suggeston?
B: Let me think for a while. I think i am free this evening What’s up?
B: I am sorry i am not interested to go there.
B: But i am interested to go to the cinema.
B: That will be a good idea. I will pick you up this evening.

A: Hei Mery, do you have a free this evening?
B: Let me think for a while. I think i am free this evening What’s up?
A: Actually i want to invite you to go to the mall.
B: I am sorry i am not interested to go there.
A: I think so. Do you have any suggeston?
B: But i am interested to go to the cinema.
B: That will be a good idea. I will pick you up this evening.

Nilai: skor maksimal 100
-          Jika tersusun semua kalimat skor 100
-          Jika tersusun 5 skor 80
-          Jika tersusun 3 kalimat skor 70
-          Jika tersusun 1 skor 50


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