Passive Voice pertemuan 2 XI IPS 1

Passive Voice pertemuan 2 XI IPS 1
Upload Tanggal 25 November 2019
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Materi              : Passive Voice
Kls                   :  XI IPS 1

Group present tense
Answers the question :
1. Make a sentence from simple present tense, present continuous tense, present perfect tense, and present perfect continuous tense
2. change in the sentence from active into passive:
- alice  buys many new bags every month
- she writes a story everyday
- he often helps us

Group simple past tense
Answer the question :
1. make a sentence from simple past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense, past perfect continuous tense
2. change in the sentence from active into passive :
- Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google in 1998
-  Susan visited her grandparents in Kalimantan last Sunday.
-  They cancelled all flights because of fog

Group simple Future tense
Answer the question
1.  make a sentence from simple future tense, future continuous tense, future perfect tense, future perfect continuous tense
2. change in the sentence from active into passive :
-  I will write a letter
- she will help me
- john will learn the lesson

Group simple Future past tense
Answer the question
1.  make a sentence from simple future past tense, future past continuous tense, future past perfect tense, future  past perfect continuous tense
2. change in the sentence from active into passive :
- they would learn English
- we would buy a dictionary
- he would visit his family


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