Try Out Kelas XII IPA 3

Try Out  Kelas  XII IPA 3
Upload Tanggal 4  Novemober  2019
K.D                  : KD/ Materi kls X, XI, XII
Pertemuan ke   :1
Materi              :  TO Bahasa Inggris 
Kls                   :  XII IPA 3

The following text is for questions no. 1- 5.

1. What is being informed?
a. How to be more confidence.
b. How to improve your singing skill.
c. How to gain confidence.
d. How to sing on stage.
 e. How to drink warm water .

2. What type of information is this?
a. A message.
b. A procedure.
c. A report.
d. A warning.
e. An analitical

3. What is the step that makes the vowels sound more clearly?
a. Drink warm water.
b. Mature your voice.
c. Practice tongue twisters.
d. Drink more water regularly.
e. Do vocal exercise

The following text is for questions no. 19-21.
One upon a time, there was an office worker whose name was Charles. He worked in the same insurance office for many years. But during that time, he became more and more unhappy. While he worked, he dreamed constantly, and in his dream he was always a hermit, he stayed in this room. He didn’t like people. He especially didn’t like people when they talked. He wanted peace. Life went on for Charles in this way until he became desperate.
His big opportunity came when he learned about a sea voyage the two of his friends were planning. They expected to make the trip during their summer vacation. Charles asked to join them. While they were sailing, our hero talked to his friends about the joys of hermits’ life. He talked until he finally convinced them and they decided to stop at the first island that they found.
A few days after this decisions, they saw the island in the distance where they decided to live. Before they went ashore, Charles asked the other two to make a promise not to say a word after they reached the island. They were to remain perfectly quiet during their stay.
During the first few days after they landed, they built a little house where they planted a garden. The island was paradise for Charles because this was the peace that he wanted.

4. The purpose of the text is….
a. to persuade the readers to be a hermit
b. to tell the past experience of Charles
c. to entertain the readers
d. to describe Charles’ experience
e. to evaluate the past experience

5. The expected to make the trip…. (par. 2)
The word expected can be replaced by….
a. asked
b. wanted
c. aimed
d. had
e. hoped for


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